Well, we finally were able to start on our venture to raise beef on our own property. After much fence fixing we're hoping they will decide to stay and be babied for a year or so. We knew a guy that knew a guy that sold cattle and went over to pick some out. "Go ahead and pick one you like." Uh, the brown one? The cute one? The one that doesn't look sick? I went for one that looked healthy and was Hereford. That was my criteria. Then he did the 20 question cowboy that is selling to city slickers routine that pissed me right off. I just stood there taking the brunt of his attitude. I just wanted to kick him and tell him I'm not a city girl and grew up raising beef with my dad. Instead I just played along. I didn't get REALLY irritated until he said, "Why do you want a smaller cow? I sell beef to people like you all day long that come over and want a cow. You're better off buying it bigger, even up to 1000 pounds. You won't have to put as much feed into it." I wanted to tell him that what's the point in having him feed it God knows what and giving him $700 to $800 more money, knowing I won't have that much more in hay in the smaller cow by the time I do it in next summer and I also just put one in the freezer from my parent's house and I want my kids to experience raising their own food anyway. A city slicker would just prefer to buy the big cow giving you more profit right away and do it in right away for immediate cow in the freezer, wouldn't they??? We like to take our time and do it the right way, thank you. He also kept telling me to call him if I had any problems and was concerned I wasn't going to know if they looked sick or something annoying like that. ANYhoo, we're going to the auction next time. We want drop calves so the kids can bottle feed them. THAT'S fun!

Here is Bubba. This is my best friend's cow that is keeping ours company. He is Hereford and Brama cross and quite shy. Although I'm finding out he's the curious one. He's almost opened the gate twice in the last week. I always catch him playing with the chain. He's also the only one I ever hear Moo.

This is our Gus Gus. He's the protector and can be a bit pushy at food time. I have to separate the alfalfa a little or he hogs a bit. He also attempted to challenge me to a stand off when I was chasing them out of the fruit tree enclosure that they busted in to. They mostly run away when I try to pet them but they have also discovered that not only do I provide them hay and water, but I also have a YUMMY grain treat that is sweet and only given in small amounts so they are slowly wearing down.

Come Boss! They pay attention to the back door and come running when it's time to eat. They also don't understand the time change and think 4pm this week is just as good as 5pm was last week.

Now Chris can say I got an animal that we can eat. That is his rule. No more animals unless we can eat them! Now to convince him that some countries eat horse meat...