The dog was waiting patiently...
Friday, May 14, 2010
A day in the life of Evan
Evan is my kid that really likes everyone to entertain him. This job usually falls on his sister who, as she gets older, is finding this less enjoyable. On occasion he finds something that really strikes his interest. Just look what we walked out to one morning. Green slime was slowly making it's way down to the floor. The neighbors made goo out of white glue and borax. Evan found out if he put it up to his face and blew into it he made big bubbles. He also found out that borax is irritating to your face after prolonged contact.
Meet another being in our house that is entertaining to Evan. I do post lots of stuff about our pets, but I don't know if anyone realizes how special our cat Molly is. She is one of the only cats I've ever been around that tolerates being trapped under the laundry basket and poked at by all the neighbor kids until I find them and yell at them. Then when they let her out she doesn't run away. It's like she knows they won't hurt her and has a job to do to be Evan's companion. Really. She is smart, a good hunter, and loves her little boy. She loves him enough to let him tuck her in to said laundry basket and give her rides around the house for a good 30 minutes while the dog follows them waiting to chase her when she jumps out.
I'm serious folks! Thirty minutes went by. He just pulled her around and around the house while she acted like she was on the People Mover ride at Disneyland.

The dog was waiting patiently...
We'll be out in the garden this weekend, which means Molly will be gardening too. She likes to keep a check on the gophers around the edge and rolls in the dirt. If you sit down to rest she'll most likely jump in your lap and purr while she soaks up the sun, and deposits dust on your lap. Sometimes there are animals that really become part of your existence. That sure makes it harder when they leave us, but boy it sure makes while they are here special. She makes one little boy happy. I'm just glad she is so tolerant and patient. She was custom made for him. Thanks God. Sometimes angels really do have fur.
The dog was waiting patiently...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I hope you all had a nice weekend and made some Mother in your life feel special. I had a nice Sunday brunch out with my kiddos and husband. Then we went to one of my favorite places. Eisley's nursery is a local nursery that has wonderful plants and fun garden embelishments. They took me to pick out a rose bush. I like flowers with roots attached to them and before we moved they would buy me a new rose for my garden every Mother's Day. When we moved I couldn't take them with me as it was stinking hot in August and we hadn't found a house yet. I have a place that I'm going to convert into my new rose garden. We worked a little on the garden and should have most of it in by this weekend. The kids are busy with end of the year projects. Amanda just finished one on raising butterflies that is to be turned in next week for the open house. ONE more week until I no longer have bugs on my counter. The dumb ants have grow quite accustomed to coming in my kitchen at night to eat the sugar water we leave out for the butterflies to eat. It was actually a fun project! We watched the little tiny catepillars grow and pupate. Then on Mother's Day they started hatching. The kids were so excited! So I guess I got Painted Lady Butterflies for Mother's Day too!
Friday, May 7, 2010
I hope my husband doesn't wait until the last minute to do mother's day shopping. I'm way to emotional and stressed to deal with that!
Here's something I realized...When deaf people stand behind you chomping gum all the while you're trying to listen to a presentation, they don't know it's annoying because they can't HEAR the gum smacking. They are busy watching the sign language interpreter translating the message. Hummm...just the kind of stuff I think about.
I just realized I don't have the picture I was going to post downloaded. Guess I'll have to do it later.
How was that for a Friday post? I think I'm going nutty!
Here's something I realized...When deaf people stand behind you chomping gum all the while you're trying to listen to a presentation, they don't know it's annoying because they can't HEAR the gum smacking. They are busy watching the sign language interpreter translating the message. Hummm...just the kind of stuff I think about.
I just realized I don't have the picture I was going to post downloaded. Guess I'll have to do it later.
How was that for a Friday post? I think I'm going nutty!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Evan's field trip
Evan had a field trip to a local museum that requires period costumes. They take the kids back in time and show them how the people of that era would spend their days. I was in charge of laundry. I went on this field trip last year with Amanda in a rented costume that I didn't like. This year I decided to make my own. I have 2 more field trips I will use it on so I knew it was worth the effort. It didn't save me money, but I get to keep the dress and I know it fits properly. The irony of it is I never am able to make clothes that fit me well. This fits like a glove and I can't wear it beyond field trips! I guess my body shape belongs in 1895. Birthing hips(that's what my ob said when I was having my kids) and sturdy frame, yup, that's me! Evan had a great time! They learned how to make toys from that time, grind wheat berries for biscuits, do laundry with a washboard and tubs, woodworking, leather, and hand plowing. They also got to tour the house. Us parents were completely POOPED by the end of the day! Whew! I don't think living back then consisted of keeping 48 kids split up into 6 groups in line. Good thing it only lasted 1 day!

Saturday, May 1, 2010
you know you're gettin' old when...
I hope your Saturday is starting off well. I have watching a softball game ahead of me followed by whatever I can manage to do. Apparently, I've messed up my lower back/hips. I have NO idea how I did this, but for the past week I've been in a pretty good amount of pain. Sometimes it's pain to make me take deep breaths, and sometimes it's enough to make me stop moving. That is short lived, however, since as a momma, opportunities to stop don't come often. Chris is working a lot of overtime as of late which leaves me to do most everything else so I haven't been able to do much beyond go to the chiropractor. Unfortunately, since it didn't help(usually I have instant relief from an adjustment), I'm pursuing this further with my doctor. I fear it might be related to another health concern I've had as of late and think it's more nerve related over muscle. Sigh!!! NOW you know why I titled this post "you know you're getting old when...". I hope to have this behind me in a couple of weeks, but for now I have too much to do to worry about it! We have gardens that need planting, weeds that need to be mowed, a house to tend to, and a family that is in high gear! Advil is my friend and my ultrasound won't come soon enough! I hope it gives some insight or at least a direction to go with to figure out what is wrong. I won't say I'm not somewhat fearful of what's going on. To tell the truth it weighs on my mind quite heavily. Nothing like a bunch of hurry up and wait to make one nervous! Anyhoo, love the one you're with, hug your kiddos, and have a nice, relaxing weekend! The weather is perfect!
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