Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Oh ouch!
I went and picked Sophie up today after her slumber party at the vet. She tore her ACL (a ligament)last year and we had the surgery done to repair it yesterday. Poor thing can't put any weight on it and hobbles around on 3 legs. I knew she was glad to be home when she went straight to the wet cat food dish to lick out any leftovers. She was starving after not eating for 2 days. Corgi's live for food so that's a major thing for her to miss that many feedings!
This is her, "Ahhh, these are some good drugs" face. Hopefully she'll sleep a lot so I won't have to follow her around helping her. It's horrible to see her trying to move.
Now we start her 2 month rehab. She should be back to fetching and running some time in February. It's been torture to ignore her when she brings me her toys and wants to run. She also had her teeth cleaned, a broken one pulled, and her toe nails trimmed. It stinks getting old! At least they did her overhaul when she was out like a light!
Cat TV
Well, the cats were excited that we subscribed to "CAT TV" again. Molly fondly remembered the good ole days of watching her favorite programs. Missy, however, is new to the experience. She spent all day on the cat post staring at the tank. The albino shark liked to tease her.
Now I've got him!
Maybe now!
As I sit here typing, I hear a noise behind me. Here's Missy, pulling my skeins of yarn out of the bin and rabbit punching them. Then I noticed a 3 inch piece of yarn sticking out of her mouth and she's trying to eat it. As I pull, it just keeps coming out! Yuck! I think it was all the way into her stomach! The thing is about 12 inches long! Dumb cat. Go back to the fish~
Do you ever find yourself in the kitchen, struggling with the need...to...keep...adding...things...to the pot???? A little of this, a little of that, some more of this...maybe just a little more of this...help! I'm sick in the head! Then my poor husband is forced to be the guinea pig. The last 2 days I've been chasing him around with a spoon(then he made some comment about how it's too bad I had a spoon in my hand while chasing him...but I'm ignoring that)asking him to taste it this time. "I just tasted it! And how come it looks like baby poop?" "I know, but that was before I added more of ____!" This is my pumpkin apple butter. Viola!!! Mind you, I've had a stuffy nose for 2 weeks so I'm not completely sure of it's quality, but I think it turned out pretty good!!! I've not had pumpkin butter in a long time. I added lots of apples and didn't put in as much sugar and it sweetened up nicely. Those of you that will be at Thanksgiving beware. I'll probably try to get some of you to taste it. You know, until my nose gets back to normal. I need testers! Hey, I can at least use it in my pumpkin muffin recipe if I get tired of it. I have 6 jars to use up!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
feelin' fishy again
Finally! It's been 3 months since my aquarium has had water in it. I've been dying to set it up. Unfortunately when the IDIOT from Dish network was here to install our satelite service after we moved in he not only got mud on my BRAND new carpet, he also drilled the hole for the cable about 6 inches away from the wall right through the carpet. I freaked out and he said it was because there was a pipe under the subfloor right there and that's the way they do it. I said, "Ah, Bullkaka." You see, you drilled the hole before you even went under the house to look. Then I proceeded to tell him that I'm not dumb, I'm not 20 or 80, and I've live in enough different places to know you NEVER fricking drill the hole that far away from the wall. He started shaking, went outside, and then called his manager. When the manager got here I met him at the car and told him to get his coveralls on cause we were going under the house. The other guy wouldn't go under with me. I think he thought I was going to kill him with a shovel once he got under there. So, I dawned my husband's sweats and flannel shirt and belly crawled all the way under the house with the "manager". Guess what??? There was not a pipe to be seen for MILES AND MILES. It was an interior wall. All of the furnace pipes are on the exteriors. BUSTED!!! So, long story short, I had to wait to set up my aquarium until they finally got the funds to the carpet place to order and install the new carpet. The contractor that Dish sends out said this type of stuff happens ALL the time. He replaces broken windows, gutters, flooring, you name it. It cost $1000 just to have the carpet done. No wonder why our satelite costs are inflated so much!!! Buyers beware! NEVER leave those guys alone so you can go make your kid's lunches before school! I learned my lesson!!! I hope he did too. I often wonder if he would have tried that if my husband would have been here??? I think he was afraid to go under the house. Pansy.
Maybe this week I'll actually get a fish in there! The cats are already eyeing it. I'll get some cheapies to throw in there until the biological filter is back in action. Now to decide which direction I'm going to take it this time...African Cichlids? Oscars? A large school of Tetras? I love starting fresh.
Weekend crafting
Here is our finished Girl Scout jean bags from Saturday. All of the girls did great! For most it was their first time sewing and they were very excited. I embroidered each girl's name on their bags. I think we'll have more of these events here. After they left we kept right on doing crafts and made some melty bead ornaments for our Christmas tree. Then we made our favorite granola bars. After that it was on to the thankful tree.
Here is our Thankful Tree. There aren't too many "leaves" on it yet but it's starting to look more treeish. Every time we think of something to be thankful for we write it on a leaf and hang it on the tree. Even visitors can write one. Then on Thanksgiving we'll read them. Amanda and I thought it was a GREAT idea. Evan didn't. Darn that boy! He did add one leaf though. He said he was thankful for fires. It's a good thing we had a fire going or I'd be a little concerned.
Today we made 2 soups(split pea and sausage and bean) and froze what we didn't eat. We also finished the aprons. I'll have to get the kids to model them tomorrow. Evan had a sleepover last night at a friend's house and he was manic by 6:00 tonight. We had a QUIET evening until he passed out in bed. This week is vacation week! Wish me luck keeping the rug rats from killing themselves!!! Sophie goes in for surgery tomorrow so say a little prayer!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hard at work!
Ooh, bad picture, but you can see why we needed curtains so we could actually see and not just hear the TV. The glare was HORRIBLE! I got these done Sunday with my MAJOR sale fabric from Jo ann's. STAY AWAY KITTEN!
I also finished felting my coffee band. One more time in the hot water and it will probably be perfect. No hot fingers and no cardboard bands! Win-win. I finished my girlie camo hat as well, but with my short hair I looked like I was finishing up my chemo treatment. For some reason I just don't look normal in those hats. So, Amanda was ready to take ownership from me. I guess I'll just have to stick to baseball hats. I decided to make a scarf to go along with it and give it to her for Christmas.
The kids were working on their aprons for Christmas. I made them do the worst part yesterday, cutting them out. I always disliked that part as a kid. You had to cut the pattern and THEN cut the fabric before you could even get started. Yuck!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Our day of rest
This is what I want every Sunday to be:
Wake up and make coffee
Go to church
Come home and make a picnic lunch to eat in the back yard all the while watching the chickens, hummingbirds and cats enjoying the 73 degree weather
Watch Evan and Daddy work on the garden area and play with motorized equipment
Then watch Amanda go out there and become a speed demon on it too
Sew all 4 panels of my new curtains AND get prepared for the Girl Scout sewing day we're going to have here next Saturday
BBQ a beer butt chicken for burritos
Watch a movie before bed
It was a great day!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
happy pictures
Here are some more happy pictures. These were from last weekend. Our cat Missy is quite demanding with the need for attention and affection. She always climbs all over me when I am on the computer. Chris showed her my hood and she decided she'd stay there for a while. It's better than when she sits on my shoulder and attacks my head. Ignore the undone hair. It was Saturday morning.
Here is my mini cheese omelet that I made with my first egg.
I've been cheating! Shhhh! Don't tell! Well, ok. Let me explain. With gas prices down soooo much...um, ah, I've been kind of...driving my truck! There! I said it. Don't tell the Prius. I didn't intend to leave her parked in the garage, honest! It's just that, when I see my truck sitting there, teasing me, showing my true inner being, I can't STAND it! I know it's silly, but when I get in my truck, that I drove for 7 years, it feels like um...me. I can't explain it. It's a country girl truck thing. I feel big, safe, powerful and in my comfort zone. In the Prius I feel small, efficient, compromising, goofy, and just...existing and not living. Isn't that silly? The trunk in the Prius is nice to have grocery shopping...see? Those are the thoughts with the Prius. How practical, right? If I gave you my truck for a week I'm sure you'd see the light...I'm tellin' ya. When you start it up and have the dual exhaust roars to life and nail it off the line it's like letting go of the crap and getting with the program. I've always been in love with cars. It's in my blood. My first car was a '66 mustang 269 V8 3 speed on the floor. Yeah, it was cool. No power steering and working gas gauge was kind of a drag, but the horsepower and nailing it when getting on the freeway and not shifting into second gear until you were at about 55 or 60 miles an hour ROCKED! I'm not strictly an American car girl though. I LOVE Volkswagen and have had 3 different models of those. My favorite was my GLX Passat. I always figured it was my wanna be BMW. I'd love a 740i. Ahhh. I love those foreign sedans that secretly have that biggo' engine in 'em. Sadly, the demands for oil and petroleum products dictates my ability to have my car power needs filled. Can I just impress upon people to start using paper bags or bring your own? Do you know how much oil is used per family just making those plastic bags in a year??? It's a TON! I don't remember the exact number but it was big enough to get me to start using my own cloth bags at the grocery store. That big. Anyway, I digress. Part of my need for my truck this week is the same reason I've been negligent on posting more this week. I've felt overwhelmed with my roles this week. It was time for me to try to focus on trying to get my stress and anxiety under control. (I probably won't even go there post wise. I don't want to redo this week in my mind if possible.) My truck represented that need to refocus in a big way this week. Maybe I can con Chris into driving the Prius next week...for more therapy, you know. Trucks! They're good for the soul!
Friday, November 7, 2008
The best gift
Look what I got for my birthday!!! I've decided my girls gave this to me for my birthday even though it's late. It's been 2 months of pacing back and forth, waiting and waiting. I think I'm going to make the smallest omelet ever for breakfast tomorrow. I'm sure it will taste better than any omelet I've ever eaten too!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
girlie camo!
I've made everyone else a hat and not me. Probably because I don't like the hat head you get with a knit hat. And they can be itchy...then I saw this yarn. How could you pass up pink camo yarn? Amanda is jealous. I would have bought more but this was the last skein. I'm not the only one. Then I got a skein of wool to felt me a coffee band for my Starbucks cups, when I get them. I decided I needed these little projects right now as I've not been too successful in getting much done lately. I need a positive experience!
Guess what? Yesterday when my Mom and I swung by Starbucks after going to Beverly's for some Christmas projects for the kids the cute coffee guy said, Here Hon" when he handed me my drink. If you don't know what I'm talking about read previous post. I write that bday post and viola! I get called hon when he hands me my drink. No ma'am on the no ma'ams! I'd have kissed him if that was ok to do to a total stranger...well, maybe not. I'm sure his tip cup is more bountiful due to his use of alternative "ma'am" words.
Monday, November 3, 2008
It Happens EVERY year!
It happened. I turned 34 yesterday. No turning back the clocks on that! Can't say I feel much different. I did feel old when my kids said, "Wooowww!" when I told them how old I was now. Nice. I never feel that much different from year to year. I do notice subtle changes here and there:
I now like having the stove light on when I cook. I don't need it, I just like it on.
I'm on daily quests to find grey hairs on my head.
I used to have to think about how old I was when people asked me. I never cared. Now I ALWAYS remember how old I am.
I am already starting the countdown to 40. Maybe that's because Chris is turning 40 this year???
I now think of how old things are in terms of whether or not said item is older than my kids, which means it's old...like my wardrobe, for instance???
I fondly remember getting to my goal weight for my 30th birthday and think, "Holy Sh#*!" That was 4 years and 20 regained pounds ago!" Then I sadly get up and go to the gym on my quest to even get close to that again. How quickly it catches up with me!
I have crowns in my mouth older than my kids...see? I did it again!
I am now called Ma'am when someone is trying to get my attention. My reply to all of them is from now on going to be, "Please don't call me Ma'am. You may call me Miss, Babe, Sweetie, Hot Momma, or Chickie. I'd pretty much prefer any sexist comment over Ma'am, thank you very much."
My car is now so uncool I don't even pay attention to whether or not that guy in that truck over there is looking at me...I've given up on that so I MUST be getting older.
Why is it that once you pass about 25 there is always someone in the crowd that actually counts the candles to see if you put on the correct amount? My response is to say I place what is esthetically pleasing to the cake size. Right? :)
Ok, now I'm depressed.
Some good things about my birthday:
My kids are old enough to wrap presents and make cakes for me! Yay! Those of you that know my husband know his track record for remembering things and how many birthdays and anniversaries he's forgotten...
My birthday is always around or on election day, making being older that much more important...that's what I keep telling myself anyway.
This year daylight savings was on my birthday and I got an extra hour of sleep. Weew hew! This morning I woke up before my alarm clock went off at 4:40 am since it was really later to my internal clock.
I now don't care if my butt "looks big in these jeans". It is big and I'm married with 2 kids, and my jeans are probably older than at least one of my kids so there!
I can let go of things and put them into prospective easier since I'm wiser than someone who's ONLY in their 20's...I hope. So there!
Hey, I'm one step closer to menopause!
The favorite one is that I know what it's like to build a family with one man and 2 kids and love all of them more than I could have ever imagined possible when I was younger and unattached. That takes YEARS of hard work and practice! I think I'm still learning too.
And with that I'll take my sugar induced coma from my lunch time party with the gals at work and take a little nap. Chocolate crust with peanut butter/cream cheese filling with a chocolate topping...oh my!
I now like having the stove light on when I cook. I don't need it, I just like it on.
I'm on daily quests to find grey hairs on my head.
I used to have to think about how old I was when people asked me. I never cared. Now I ALWAYS remember how old I am.
I am already starting the countdown to 40. Maybe that's because Chris is turning 40 this year???
I now think of how old things are in terms of whether or not said item is older than my kids, which means it's old...like my wardrobe, for instance???
I fondly remember getting to my goal weight for my 30th birthday and think, "Holy Sh#*!" That was 4 years and 20 regained pounds ago!" Then I sadly get up and go to the gym on my quest to even get close to that again. How quickly it catches up with me!
I have crowns in my mouth older than my kids...see? I did it again!
I am now called Ma'am when someone is trying to get my attention. My reply to all of them is from now on going to be, "Please don't call me Ma'am. You may call me Miss, Babe, Sweetie, Hot Momma, or Chickie. I'd pretty much prefer any sexist comment over Ma'am, thank you very much."
My car is now so uncool I don't even pay attention to whether or not that guy in that truck over there is looking at me...I've given up on that so I MUST be getting older.
Why is it that once you pass about 25 there is always someone in the crowd that actually counts the candles to see if you put on the correct amount? My response is to say I place what is esthetically pleasing to the cake size. Right? :)
Ok, now I'm depressed.
Some good things about my birthday:
My kids are old enough to wrap presents and make cakes for me! Yay! Those of you that know my husband know his track record for remembering things and how many birthdays and anniversaries he's forgotten...
My birthday is always around or on election day, making being older that much more important...that's what I keep telling myself anyway.
This year daylight savings was on my birthday and I got an extra hour of sleep. Weew hew! This morning I woke up before my alarm clock went off at 4:40 am since it was really later to my internal clock.
I now don't care if my butt "looks big in these jeans". It is big and I'm married with 2 kids, and my jeans are probably older than at least one of my kids so there!
I can let go of things and put them into prospective easier since I'm wiser than someone who's ONLY in their 20's...I hope. So there!
Hey, I'm one step closer to menopause!
The favorite one is that I know what it's like to build a family with one man and 2 kids and love all of them more than I could have ever imagined possible when I was younger and unattached. That takes YEARS of hard work and practice! I think I'm still learning too.
And with that I'll take my sugar induced coma from my lunch time party with the gals at work and take a little nap. Chocolate crust with peanut butter/cream cheese filling with a chocolate topping...oh my!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Birthday weekend
It's been a relaxing rainy Saturday. I spent the morning making a casserole and soup for my best friend's mom. She had surgery on Wednesday and had some complications so I wanted to take over some food for them to munch on while she's recovering. Then it was delivery time! She is doing pretty well considering, and I was glad they were home and settled in. Meals on wheels is rewarding and I enjoyed putzing around my kitchen all day.
Look at my birthday gifts from the kids and Chris! Handmade cards are always the best. Amanda wrote me a poem in hers and Evan drew pictures of the 2 of us inside his. Awww. I also got 2 chicken books and 2 bars of yummy soap. The electric fly swatter was Chris's idea since I rant about all of the flys coming in from the garage that buzz around my kitchen. Can't stand that!
Here is one batch of apple butter. The second and third batch are bubbling away as I type. I'll probably process it tomorrow morning. My house smells yummy!!!
Here is my cake that we get to eat tomorrow. The kids were proud of their cake. I ALMOST let them do it all by themselves.

Here they are!!! My not so Amish Friendship bread. It tastes good, is REALLY sweet, and can never be duplicated. I added different stuff to mine and put a bunch of apple butter in the mix. I couldn't keep this stuff around that much. I'd eat it constantly!

This is my gift from Chris. Thanks honey! Whew! I'm pooped! I had a productive day in my kitchen and tomorrow I hope to sew something. We'll see. I might do nothing after church. I feel a Harry Potter marathon coming on!!! Too bad turning back the clocks tomorrow didn't include turning back time. I guess I'll embrace 34 the best I can!
Look at my birthday gifts from the kids and Chris! Handmade cards are always the best. Amanda wrote me a poem in hers and Evan drew pictures of the 2 of us inside his. Awww. I also got 2 chicken books and 2 bars of yummy soap. The electric fly swatter was Chris's idea since I rant about all of the flys coming in from the garage that buzz around my kitchen. Can't stand that!
Here they are!!! My not so Amish Friendship bread. It tastes good, is REALLY sweet, and can never be duplicated. I added different stuff to mine and put a bunch of apple butter in the mix. I couldn't keep this stuff around that much. I'd eat it constantly!
This is my gift from Chris. Thanks honey! Whew! I'm pooped! I had a productive day in my kitchen and tomorrow I hope to sew something. We'll see. I might do nothing after church. I feel a Harry Potter marathon coming on!!! Too bad turning back the clocks tomorrow didn't include turning back time. I guess I'll embrace 34 the best I can!
Costume fun
Evan changed his mind 3 times on his costume choice until he saw the Darth Vader helmet at Target. We tried to get him to do the breathing thing, but he wouldn't play along. Amanda wanted to be a witch and never changed her mind. Thank goodness! She wore my old costume that my Mom made when I was little.
Amanda was invited to a Halloween party at a friend's house after school. Evan came along to drop her off and decided he wanted to stay a while. I went to do some banking and waste time. When I came back Evan was having a great time. He won the freeze dancing game and the older sister of Amanda's friend had her friends over. They all thought Evan was cute and the girls kept hugging him and saying they just loooved him. He thought that was pretty fun. They kept telling him he was awesome. Amanda was tweaked about that and stayed in the other room with her friend playing games. The funniest part was when we got in the car and Evan told me all about the older girls. He said(with a big grin on his face), "Mom, they said they loved me. That was kind of awkward." I explained that they just thought he was cute and they liked how little he was. He was grinning for the entire ride home. He is pretty cute.
king of the coop
Every day the chickens spend about 15 minutes doing "up downs" on the chair. One jumps up, one jumps down. Two jump up, two more jump up. One jumps down. Then the big white girl jumps up...we'll call her biggie G. Then all the bantees jump down. They do this over and over. Then they do the Indy 500 around the coop flapping their wings. It is so funny to watch.

Signs of Fall
Our mulch pile is growing! Sophie visits it all the time to make sure she didn't miss out on any kitchen goodies. It has lots of pumpkin guts and apple peels right now.
The chickens are really enjoying life right now! Not only did they get the shell of the butternut squash I cooked, they love to eat apple peels. I found organic apples on sale at the store for 88 cents a pound. Apple Butter here I come!
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