Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hard at work!

Ooh, bad picture, but you can see why we needed curtains so we could actually see and not just hear the TV. The glare was HORRIBLE! I got these done Sunday with my MAJOR sale fabric from Jo ann's. STAY AWAY KITTEN!

I also finished felting my coffee band. One more time in the hot water and it will probably be perfect. No hot fingers and no cardboard bands! Win-win. I finished my girlie camo hat as well, but with my short hair I looked like I was finishing up my chemo treatment. For some reason I just don't look normal in those hats. So, Amanda was ready to take ownership from me. I guess I'll just have to stick to baseball hats. I decided to make a scarf to go along with it and give it to her for Christmas.
The kids were working on their aprons for Christmas. I made them do the worst part yesterday, cutting them out. I always disliked that part as a kid. You had to cut the pattern and THEN cut the fabric before you could even get started. Yuck!

Amanda learned why cats were so annoying when you were trying to sew. The cat ended up winning and got to be held and scratched. Then she came over and climbed up my pants to sit on me. Sheesh she's persistant!

It was a really productive weekend and my house shows the signs. It's pretty cluttered around here! It's a good clutter though. I guess...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl!
it's been awhile since i've visited....and you've been BUSY! i didn't know you were so fabulously crafty!!!! LOVE that felted coffee cozy.

and yes, we put the tree up about a week ago. the day after halloween the kids said, 'can we get the christmas stuff out yet? pleeeeeease???!!!!' how could i say no to that? :)