I haven't been that great about posting lately. I even forgot my camera on Thanksgiving...both of them. So, I'm going to do a run down of our happenings. Let's see, the 4 cheap fish I bought got
ICK all over them and medication didn't work. That was fun. The most annoying/exciting part was that about 3 days after their deaths, which spanned a 3 day time period, I noticed floating grains of rice with BIG eyes. Nice. One of the sick fish had babies, 5 of them, that are now swimming around in there. The thing is, now I can't get anymore fish until they get big enough to not turn into lunch for anything I added. They aren't growing that fast. Now it looks like I have a tank with no fish, again. Our cat tried to take on a squirrel and chased it into a tree. Is that normal? I didn't think cats tried to take on squirrels. I'm not sure if she was going to eat it or kick it's butt. Either way she's a tough girl! On to the pictures...

I'm not sure if this is a Dolley or a Tvedt thing, but I had to have this damn pig. My Mom has a croaking frog at her house, whether or not she wants to admit it. Come to think of it we've always had some sort of moving stuffed Christmas toy, even as a kid. This one oinks out jingle bells while walking along and squeals when you pull it's tail. At least I waited until it was about half price. Not sure I should have admitted I bought it, but there it is.

Evan and Dad had a sushi night when Amanda was at a friend's house .

They like playing with all of the gross fish parts. This was a crab claw that Evan was moving.

Chris talked the kids into raking the Mulberry tree leaves for $5. They lasted about 10 minutes. Chris ended up raking about 300 pounds of leaves. The next day there was about the same amount of leaves on the ground again. He won't buy a leaf blower and likes to rake them. Whatever. I wonder how many years I'll have to ask him if he's ready for a blower.

The kids tried out their new aprons we made. Amanda is measuring flour for bread.

Is this the cutest darned coat ever or what? Of course she can't wear it to school so I'm not sure of it's practicality or how many times she'll wear it before she outgrows it. I couldn't resist. It was going to be part of her Thanksgiving outfit but since it was probably about 68 degrees that afternoon it was a little warm for it. We've finally been having some cooler weather this week so maybe she'll get to use it soon!

I guess that's about it for now. This weekend is the slumber party weekend for Amanda's 9
th birthday.
Ahhhh! Wish me luck! I'm probably going to have a caffeine drip hooked up and ready to go for Sunday morning. Have a great weekend!
How did the slumber go?? Happy B-day Miss Amanda! Will give you your birthday hug on Saturday!
And that's my nephew scarfing down the sushi! Makes Auntie Lorna so proud!
love the pig. hehe ;)
the aprons look great and that little red coat is adorable!!
hope you're enjoying the rest of your Sunday afternoon. :)
Speaking of annoying Christmas decorations... Cole found the Disney singing decoration you bought me (before kids) and I had to listen the darn thing all afternoon (yesterday) before I could finally hide it when they weren't looking! The gift that keeps on giving!
I guess it's a sickness I have! I got that for you before we all had kids! Ha!
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