I'm framing the calendar for the month of May...not because there were lots of great things happening, but more for the fact that I made it through!!! There is more ink than paper on that thing. As I was feeling overwhelmed this week I was reminded to slow down and focus on the importance of being a mom and LISTENING to what is needed at home. I've had a couple of instances during bedtime where I kind of snapped and then realized instead of getting upset that they were stalling, I need to forget how knock down drag out tired I am and go listen to their complaints and get that drink of water, put that ointment on that scratch, and just be their mom. Yesterday I was pulling the garage door down manually before I got in my car to go to work. The motor took a dump and we haven't replaced it. I pulled and let go, watching it come down. I heard a terrible scream and saw our cat Molly HANGING from the top of the frame of the door caught inbetween the garage door and the header on the top of the frame by her head. I screamed and wedged my fingers under the door to lift it up and she fell to the ground. Then, as cats do, she took off. I caught up with her and didn't see any visible signs of injury. She was one hurt kitty though so I made her a little bed and drove to work, crying about how I could have just killed my son's cat. She is no ordinary cat. This cat, and I've been around quite a few in my lifetime, is ONE COOL CAT. She is so mellow and follows us around outside like a dog. If you're outside, she's right there with you. I watch my 2 kids get pretty upset when I had to tell them why we needed to be very gentle with her for a couple of days. We did get her to eat some wet food this morning and she wanted to go outside in the sun to sleep. Whew! Unless something swells up I'm thinking I just used up about 5 of her lives. I bet she won't sleep on top of the garage door when it's open anymore. Then I had to take my daughter to the Dr this morning. We've been treating her foot for ring worm for a few months and her Dr finally referred us to a Dermatologist to diagnose what she really has. We found out it's an auto immune response and can take up to 3 or 4 years to go away. Here's the kicker. SOMETIMES it can mean they are predisposed to diabetes and thyroid problems. Damn. "Does your family have a history of either of those things?" "Uh, yeah, both things on either sides, I believe." I knew what the next step was...BLOOD WORK. I start to sweat. Amanda is clueless, as she's never had bloodwork done before. We went straight over to the lab and she started to panic as I was telling her what they were going to do. Long story short, she did a great job. She didn't melt down until I got her back to school. Then she just wanted to go home. Once again, even with all of the stress of the month, I've learned to just focus on the moment with my family and give them what they need from me. Then I melted after she stopped crying when I got home. Time for caffeine. I still have a boy scout troop to prepare for and softball practice to get to. Good thing their music teacher understood why we just wanted to stay home after school yesterday to pet our hurt kitty. Sometimes things just have to give a little and time at home always gets me back on track. Now to prepare for the girlscouts spending the night here on Saturday night...I need meds...
1 comment:
Wow! I'm kinda tired. phew you work hard. What does Patty do to recharge herself?
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