Thursday, June 11, 2009

New love

The garden is coming along nicely. Lots of weeding has been done. The watering has been easy with our mild weather the past 2 weeks. Sophie is on patrol, walking up and down the isles. Chris gets a little irritated with her since she isn't always careful around the tomatoes. Gee, I think we could stand to lose a few without much issue. Thirty some odd plants is enough!!!

The garden has also brought on a husband has found a new love. This love doesn't talk back, is rich, and provides for others. Any evening you can find him lovingly turning, watering, and sifting. Meet the mulch piles. This is two and three.
This is number one. Notice all of the green plants and snarled roots in this initial pile. That was my doing. While he is working on the mulch piles and wandering through the garden I've been working on some planter boxes that have been overgrown for a long time.

This one was full of Agapanthas that had 15 inch thick tuber/rootballs and another 10 to 12 inches of spidery roots going everywhere. It was like a huge carpet! They must have been there for YEARS. I had to HACK them out section by section. Pretty much the entire planter was full of them. Chris had to rototill the dirt and now we are sifting it. What a mess!

Wow! No more jungle of green! I'm not sure I even know what I want in here so it might be dirt for a while.

And yet another messy planter now cleaned out. I just threw some wildflower seeds in here. We'll see if they grow.

Feels good to get them cleaned out! One more patch of agapantha to go in the front yard. That might wait until Fall.

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