Friday, August 28, 2009


School's back in session, and I'm busy. I've been so tired lately and realized yesterday that it must be because I now do all of the house stuff plus work and after school activities. Evan started soccer practices and his first scrimmage is tomorrow. I've got pictures of what's been going on but not had time to blog about them. I have no idea how long it will be before I get to it so I'll leave you with this question...How many bb's does it take to kill a skunk in my hen yard at 4:30 in the morning? Chris knows. And he's probably getting a 22 for Christmas. Poor guy! AND my house reeks like skunk. Too bad I was so tired and didn't get up to help or I might have had a more descriptive account of the situation.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Pretty garden pictures. You've been getting a lot of things done. Did Chris get sprayed by the skunk?Yuck! Not surprising neither of you have time for Farm Town now. Gma Thomas

Blasé said...

22...don't let him shoot his eye out!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna guess about half a tube of BB's. A pellet gun may be an If you get a 22, use hollow points.
U. Don

Grace and Aria said...


Rick and Terry said...

So, what formula did you use to get the skunk smell off Chris?

I recommend taking a dog with you next time that way they can take the odor hit for ya!

At least that's what worked for me one night while on my way to take care of the chickens and MooseMadison got a couple of baths and had to sleep in the cellar -- he was not happy at all.

Better him than me that's for sure!