I took a little walk around the property today to check out what's growing and snap some pictures. Whenever I take little walks I am always joined by some critters. Molly is always wanting to go for a walk. We thought we lost her Friday night. She didn't come home and we still hadn't seen her Saturday. I went to the Animal Shelter Saturday afternoon and when we got home I told the kids to ride their bikes around the neighborhood and ask if they can check their sheds and such. The kids came running in the house saying she was at the neighbor's house all night. Then I got the whole story. They put her in a crate and kept her in the garage Friday night. They had heard coyotes in the distance and was afraid she'd get eaten. Then they never bothered to call us and their dog chased her into the bushes Saturday morning when they let her out and sat there all day. Their kids told them she was our cat but they still didn't let us know. We were outside calling her and searched the entire property. Um, the reason why she didn't come home was because they locked her up. She was waiting to come home until the coyotes had passed. AND, if you're going to lock up my cat and know it's mine, CALL!!! She's a pretty smart cat and has avoided the coyotes for 2 years now. Let her make her own way home! The cat was so tired and stressed out she slept most of the day. Poor thing! Country cat and city folk don't mix well.

Sophie's always up for a nice walk when they weather is cool and sunny. Everything is so green!

Guess what else just showed up today??? Aphids and whiteflys!!! LOTS OF THEM!!! Time to use the systemic fertilizer. Gross!

Um, look who's been hiding on a dozen eggs? She's been there for 2 weeks that we know of.

Here's the other momma hen. We saw a baby peak it's head out so I went and got a waterer and started throwing out food for them as well. Sure enough, there were 4 babies running around with her this evening. There isn't much cuter than a momma hen showing her babies how to survive while they all scurry around her scratching and playing. It is the classic momma story. I guess I'll let her keep them in the back yard for a couple more days under there. Then they need to go into the coop so the cats won't get them.

All in all it's been a good weekend--Baseball, ongoing bathroom project that is about 70% complete, BBQ, animals, weeds, sun. The kids are on Easter break this week so hopefully we'll get some bike rides and crafts in. As for me, I'm joining a gym again bright and early tomorrow morning. I tried to work out at home for 6 months to save money. I've not been successful and can't fit into my clothes so it's back to the grind. I did pretty good for 8 years going so it's the only way that works for me. Wish me luck! I'm going to try a new place that's closer to me! SCARY!!! I went to the same place for all 8 years. Out of my comfort zone.
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