Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Wanna Go Back

There is an Eddie Money song lyric going through my head this morning. You know the one, "I wanna go back and do it all over, but I can't go back, I know." This is my mantra today. I really do want to go back to Pacific Beach! How can you not want to go back to this?

-or the smiles and giggles from my children as the waves crash around them
Oh yeah,
-or naps in that Lazyboy next to the sliding glass door each day while the ocean treated you to it's cool breezes and sounds? Then you wake up to watch the surfers catch a wave and the dolphins go by each afternoon.

-or the cool sand in your toes, shoes, underware, pockets, you get the idea...

-or watching your slightly workaholic husband let go and enjoy himself with his children instead of being frustrated with them

I bet it's going to be beautiful today in San Diego. It's supposed to be 100 degrees here today and the motor on our ONE YEAR OLD evaporative cooler broke this morning when I went to turn it on to bring in the cool morning air. That means we'll be cranking the AC, which we don't use due to the costs to run it. Ugh! Hopefully the company will get back to me soon! In the meantime, I wanna go back!

1 comment:

Grace and Aria said...

Beautiful photos, by the way! Loving the new camera, I'm sure :)