Monday, November 3, 2008

It Happens EVERY year!

It happened. I turned 34 yesterday. No turning back the clocks on that! Can't say I feel much different. I did feel old when my kids said, "Wooowww!" when I told them how old I was now. Nice. I never feel that much different from year to year. I do notice subtle changes here and there:

I now like having the stove light on when I cook. I don't need it, I just like it on.

I'm on daily quests to find grey hairs on my head.

I used to have to think about how old I was when people asked me. I never cared. Now I ALWAYS remember how old I am.

I am already starting the countdown to 40. Maybe that's because Chris is turning 40 this year???

I now think of how old things are in terms of whether or not said item is older than my kids, which means it's my wardrobe, for instance???

I fondly remember getting to my goal weight for my 30th birthday and think, "Holy Sh#*!" That was 4 years and 20 regained pounds ago!" Then I sadly get up and go to the gym on my quest to even get close to that again. How quickly it catches up with me!

I have crowns in my mouth older than my kids...see? I did it again!

I am now called Ma'am when someone is trying to get my attention. My reply to all of them is from now on going to be, "Please don't call me Ma'am. You may call me Miss, Babe, Sweetie, Hot Momma, or Chickie. I'd pretty much prefer any sexist comment over Ma'am, thank you very much."

My car is now so uncool I don't even pay attention to whether or not that guy in that truck over there is looking at me...I've given up on that so I MUST be getting older.

Why is it that once you pass about 25 there is always someone in the crowd that actually counts the candles to see if you put on the correct amount? My response is to say I place what is esthetically pleasing to the cake size. Right? :)

Ok, now I'm depressed.

Some good things about my birthday:

My kids are old enough to wrap presents and make cakes for me! Yay! Those of you that know my husband know his track record for remembering things and how many birthdays and anniversaries he's forgotten...

My birthday is always around or on election day, making being older that much more important...that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

This year daylight savings was on my birthday and I got an extra hour of sleep. Weew hew! This morning I woke up before my alarm clock went off at 4:40 am since it was really later to my internal clock.

I now don't care if my butt "looks big in these jeans". It is big and I'm married with 2 kids, and my jeans are probably older than at least one of my kids so there!

I can let go of things and put them into prospective easier since I'm wiser than someone who's ONLY in their 20's...I hope. So there!

Hey, I'm one step closer to menopause!

The favorite one is that I know what it's like to build a family with one man and 2 kids and love all of them more than I could have ever imagined possible when I was younger and unattached. That takes YEARS of hard work and practice! I think I'm still learning too.

And with that I'll take my sugar induced coma from my lunch time party with the gals at work and take a little nap. Chocolate crust with peanut butter/cream cheese filling with a chocolate topping...oh my!


Molly said...

ooh - cut me a slice of that cake! happy birthday patty - you are one funny lady!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people call me maam too! Don't worry about those grey hairs, there is plenty of hair color to go around!! I hope you had a great birthday- even though they are so not fun as we get older. Hey one of these years we should have a flashback b-day party like we did when we were kids, have a slumber party- no kids or husbands aloud!! Love ya, Marcy

Anonymous said...

Oh shoot! And it would have to be your mother-in-law who counted the candles. 34 seems so young to me now at 65. I remember fondly when I was 34. Sorry. . . . Grandma Thomas

Grace and Aria said...

Yes, this was a funny post, Patty! But PLEAAAASE don't count down to 40 (b/c I don't want to know!)