Friday, December 12, 2008

more chicken drama

I had another momma(we'll call her momma #2) chicken given to me that is currently sitting on her nest of eggs. Don't worry, my squirrel chasing cat is "guarding" her for me. I thought the momma was kicking out dead eggs since we would find a couple sitting on the ground out of her nest all cold. Then I found momma #1 get in her nest and peck at her until she moved over to let her steal some eggs to peck at. She was trying to kill the babies! What a snot! So, I had to move Momma #2 to a make shift cage outside of the coop so the chickens would leave her alone. On to part 2: She's been sitting on the eggs for about a month and typically the chicks hatch at 21 days so now I'm thinking she was off of her eggs for too long and they died. When I shook the cold ones there is definitely something solid in there so I know they were fertilized but somehow they didn't survive. Too bad. The kids were so excited too. I'm just afraid that if I don't take them away from her soon she'll slowly wither away to nothing as they stay on the eggs all day and get weaker and weaker the longer it takes. So, tomorrow I have to shine a flashlight on the eggs to try to see if they are alive and take her from them and put her back in the coop with her murderous peers. Who knew there would be so much drama in the chicken world?


Lorna said...

Wow...who knew there could be so much going on in the hen house! What intrigue!

Rick and Terry said...

I'm wicked glad that we human's don't do such things....
Maybe if you stuck a roasting pan in the hen house the ladies would behave??? tee hee

Grace and Aria said...

any news on the chicks?? :-(