Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lookie what we got! My MIL is a big time quilter. She makes beautiful quilts. Those of you that sew know what that means...oodles of fabric in her quilt room. You also know what that means...sometimes one has to purge her scraps. You also ALSO know what that don't have the heart to just throw it out and therefore you pass it on to others who might be able to use it in a little project or two. Guess what? We got first dibs on the bag of fabric before she took it to her quilting group! We were very excited. Amanda took more than I did! She loves fabric. Gee, I wonder where she got that from? Both grandmas sew and so do I. It's in her genes.
We set up a little table in her room and away she went. She is just playing right now, but at some point during the summer, I'd like to have her go to sewing camp at the shop here in town. I'm not one for patterns, unless it's simple and doesn't take too much time. I tend to wing it or improvise or change up the pattern here and there. I dislike basting if a pin will do and don't really know the "rules" of sewing. I just learn as I go or when I get frustrated and have people go, "Ah, didn't you know you were supposed to do that?" Ah, no, cause if I did I wouldn't be complaining about it, right?
I wonder what kind of sewer Amanda will be? Will she follow patterns? Will she be more creative? Will she like to make clothing? Or will she be more of a craft sewer like her mom?
Molly doesn't care. She just likes it when the sewing machines are going and usually finds some way to get into trouble. Here she is sleeping in Amanda's sewing machine cover. You see, she had worn herself out snarling up my nice folded stack of fabric and needed to take a break. What is it with cats and fabric? They can hear me on the floor cutting out my fabric from a mile away.
Or is this why she's tired? Meet Mr. Squirrel. He has taken up residence in our back yard and Molly spends a lot of time stalking him. What shall we name him? Everything here gets a name. How about Grady? Time to go get another squirrel feeder. I should go take the one down from the tree in the front yard of our old place. They still haven't filled it up. Can you imagine??? Me in black clothes sneaking into their front yard to steal back my feeder? I'd probably get arrested knowing my luck. "No officer! It's mine! They aren't using it properly! They've probably killed a squirrel that was relying on them to feed him! They are the bad guys!"
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Patty, you kill me!! Your blogs are always great and entertaining! thanks, Marcy
so cute of Amanda sewing!!
Nice idea -- dark clothing during you clandestine mission -- make sure that you've got your Ipod playing the "mission impossible" tune for inspiration.
PS I'm willing to be your alibi if you need one
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