Valentine's Day came and went in a relaxed pace this year. I made it pretty easy on Chris. Instead of going out I told him I wanted a Beach Hut Deli sandwich. They rock. I highly recommend the "Shark Bite." Chris's parents invited us out to breakfast Saturday morning. The kids made lots of Valentine's for us and Evan couldn't wait to give me a present he made me at school. It's a clay heart magnet. I LOVE it. He was so proud of it. On Sunday we had our friends up for dinner/dessert/brithday wishes for Sean. Marcy and I disappeared for a couple of hours to get a pedicure. THAT was Marcy's idea and really let the guys off the hook for what to get us this year. We told them they didn't have to do anything but watch the kids while we go. What a great Valentine's Day gift! Good idea Marcy! She also made a killer cheesecake that I'm still recovering from. All I can say is Brownie crust and caramel swirled through cream cheese and chopped up snickers bars. YUMMY!!! I realized my short hair cut does something else for me. You see, I have to get it cut more often when it's this short or it doesn't work. That means Marcy and I will have to hang out at least every 4 or 5 weeks. I think we'll have to have a standing latte/haircut day every few weeks. It was so nice to have girl time without interrupted conversations and bickering! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day with the ones you love!

What a great little magnet! He did a really good job! Think he wants to make a few for Auntie Lorna? All of mine are cracked and dismal looking :):)
You make a girl proud!
Hey, nice heart by the way :)
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