Here it is folks! A sewing project that I purchased fabric for, made up a pattern for, and finished all in the same weekend!!! Look at my new babies! Hoaky, yes, kind of old fashioned, yes. Finished?? YES!

I made them double-sided so they wouldn't just be for Easter time. The other side will last through spring. I'm sure Chris loves how girly they make the table look. Whatever. I never found the bbq sauce/beer stained fabric at Jo Anns so he'll have to deal.

Here's to a finished project! Even I'll drink to that! Now to get Amanda's costume done for her field trip...I stopped at the sleeves. I'm tired of gathering. I still have to make the pinafore and the bonnet! The pressure is on!
haven't been by to visit you in awhile! thanks for stopping by my place...
really, no bbq/beer stain fabric at joann's? man. that place is slipping.
I'm impressed you completed an entire craft cycle - I usually get stuck after the fabric purchase.
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