Hello buddy. Let me stick my finger in your eye...Buddy has settled in nicely and doesn't freak out when we take him out anymore. Speaking of animals...I covered for a lady in the office for a couple of days while she was on vacation and guess what? I got to hold a baby Wallaby! It was so cute and held on like a little baby! Did you know that you can raise them like pets here in the United States? This lady is local and raises them because she loves them and actually has quite a few. We were all in shock! I was in love, but Chris said no right away. Sheesh! I didn't say I wanted one or anything...

Amanda started softball last month. She didn't get on a team with anyone she knows, which wasn't our doing. It had to do with the Little League losing a bunch of applications and once they found them they had to make up another team with the leftovers. I've been quite proud of her for just getting in there and making the best of it. She has great coaches and has been learning a lot!

They are called "Hot Stuff". This was of course NOT Amanda's choice since she doesn't like to draw attention to herself. She said it sounded kind of weird. It's actually kind of grown on us though and now she thinks it's cute. The coach had visors made up with the name before he knew the league was going to provide them this year so now us moms have a team visor to wear at the games. I have to remember it says Hot Stuff on it when I run to the store or 7-11 on game day. I get some strange looks or smiles and then remember I have a red visor on with HOT STUFF written across the top. What we do for our kids...

The funniest part about the Hot Stuff thing was when the coach yelled out where the strike zone was while one of the girls was up to bat. His reminder to her was the laugh for the few parents with their minds in the gutter. He said, "Remember! The strike zone is from your knees to Hot Stuff!" (which is written across the chest--he even used a hand gesture across his chest.) I kept quiet but one of the Dads thought that was hysterical. Nice.
Anyhoo, more to come...lots of random thoughts and hopefully more pictures now that I have a new little camera. Our old one is slowly dying and no longer reliable.
this, my dear, is HYSTERICAL. if only we could ALL have been part of a "hot stuff" softball team at some point in our lives. i'd love to see what they'd call mine now. probably "dark circles." hmm... better name for a band. rocker moms, "the dark circles" i like it.
oh, seriously, i need a visor that says hot stuff on it. like, for real.
Thats great!! Last yr at soccer when our coach ran out on the field to talk with the kids she crouched down and gave our sideline a great show, just the top of her g string. I guess short shirts and low rider pants aren't the best coaching garb. The guys all loved it though!
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