Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here it is folks! A sewing project that I purchased fabric for, made up a pattern for, and finished all in the same weekend!!! Look at my new babies! Hoaky, yes, kind of old fashioned, yes. Finished?? YES!

I made them double-sided so they wouldn't just be for Easter time. The other side will last through spring. I'm sure Chris loves how girly they make the table look. Whatever. I never found the bbq sauce/beer stained fabric at Jo Anns so he'll have to deal.
Here's to a finished project! Even I'll drink to that! Now to get Amanda's costume done for her field trip...I stopped at the sleeves. I'm tired of gathering. I still have to make the pinafore and the bonnet! The pressure is on!


Elissa said...

haven't been by to visit you in awhile! thanks for stopping by my place...

really, no bbq/beer stain fabric at joann's? man. that place is slipping.

Anne said...

I'm impressed you completed an entire craft cycle - I usually get stuck after the fabric purchase.