Friday, March 20, 2009

Flight of the Bumble Bee

Ok, get the music in your head before I start...

No pictures, just chaos...wait, since I dislike not posting a picture and I've not been posting much, here is one of my dog, caught in the act, eating an entire box of Lemonade Girl Scout cookies that she found in amongst a case of other cookies. I might have posted this picture before but it cracks me up so here it is again!


That brings lots of activity. this week started on the heels of my Women's Retreat for W.I.S.E. It was a wonderful weekend even though my air mattress died and I got 1 hour of sleep the first night. It was a nice break with lots of inspiration. I came home to fed, relatively clean kids and a house that didn't look like a tornado hit it. Good. This was probably easier accomplished by the fact that they ate most meals out, completely removing the need to use the kitchen. Ahem...I didn't budget in their meals to the weekend.

We hit the ground running Monday with music lessons for both of the kids.

Wednesday afternoon my Dad helped me take the 5th wheel down to have the refrigerator recall mess fixed so it wouldn't blow up when we use it. That's nice and much appreciated since I can't get the 5th wheel plate in the back of my truck by myself and Chris was at work. I didn't know they could get us in so quickly! Yeah! That night was my bible study. That night after my bible study my crown got loose while flossing.

Thursday started out with me trying to find a sub to cover me at work so I could go to the dentist to get my crown cemented back on. THANK THE LORD my tooth was fine and wasn't crumbling under there. It's about 11 years old so I was nervous about that. It was only $97 instead of $400. Then Thursday night was a divide and conquer maneuver with Chris heading off to Cub Scouts while I took Amanda to softball practice. Ok, here's the kicker to the whole week, which is still not over. While we're sitting there, the coach (who is great) asked if anyone wanted to be team mom. Of course this is being said to the 3 people that actually stayed whereas about 10 parents just dropped them off...whatever. No one budged. So, here I go again. I can't just sit there and not support him while he's teaching our kids how to play. I blurt out, "If you tell me what to do I'll do it." I felt immediate flushing of my face. I of course just added yet another thing to my plate. I have a problem...I need overvolunteer'ers anonymous or something!

I better go. I've got a field trip to get to and work calling me after that. Then it's get the kids early for a Dr appointment. I'm sleeping in tomorrow!

Life is good! Busy, but good!

Hello sunshine. Hello Claritan...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wrap up

Wrapping up the week...the kids both did excellent on their report cards. I'm very proud of them. Amanda started softball practice on Thursday night. I'm heading off to my W.I.S.E women's retreat tonight for 2 days. Chris is sick. I hope I don't get sick. Today will be a busy one packing and getting the house in order for the weekend. I'm fully ready to walk in on a disaster when I get home. I've not been away for 2 days leaving Chris and the kids here in...I don't remember how long. Maybe never! I busted my tail working out this week and gave up my latte today. No latte Friday this week! I was told this is a major food fest so be prepared! That means I'll be taking some fruit and healthy bran muffins along with some bottled water. I'm not going to have my sore muscles be for nothing! Step aerobics kicked my butt! It's new for me. I'm not the most coordinated person, which is why the only class I take is spinning. I can do that one. I don't even like to dance so organized steps and jumping around is rather foreign to me. Not to mention all of the ladies at the 5:30am class have been taking this class for YEARS with Sylvia and know what she means just by the way she points. I'm providing comic relief for them right now. Well, I'm off to go get my chores done so I can go play! Have a fabulous weekend in the wonderful weather that is in the forecast!!!! I hope to come back rested and ready to start my week!!! Hugs!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fessing up

Ok, so now I'm confessing the other stuff I got to put on my list of projects. I've been wanting to learn how to knit socks for a long time. I've also been eyeing this sock yarn for a while. I think a more appropriate name will be Soles and Moles, which not only rhymes, it also describes what my socks will look like, mole holes and all. Keeping fingers crossed!

I found these easy patterns on sale at Walmart when I was getting bandanas. Amanda and I will be making these this summer! Oh fun! I think I'll get some oilcloth so we can go to town with our canning and just wipe it clean.
And finally, once again, while at Walmart, they had a big pile of sale fabrics including this upholstry fabric. My chairs are in serious need of recovering now that the kids don't use the chair cushions as their personal napkins. Now our guests won't feel like they are going to leave with a stain on their backsides!

Spring projects

I've been busily preparing to, at some point, after a little procrastination, to start yet another series of projects! Some I have to do. Some I've been wanting to do. Here is one that needs to be done this month.

Amanda is doing a living history field trip to a museum here in town. They are supposed to dress in period clothing. I'll be making her dress and apron. I LOVE this chicken fabric. Here is the fabric for my costume. I signed up to do the craft part as a docent. Originally I wasn't going to make my own skirt, but I'm hoping I'll have time. I have a back up phone number just in case of a lady that does costume rentals. Secretly I hoped that Amanda wouldn't want the chicken fabric. Shoot! I'm fully preparing myself to look like a lampshade with all of the gathering in my skirt. I dislike pleats...

Here are the plans for another project I've been wanting to do for a year now. This pattern is for summer shorts that you make out of bandanas. I found this idea on another blogger's site. They go up quickly and are inexpensive to make. It takes 2 bandanas, which I found out come in a 2 pack at Walmart.

Chris found Evan a skull bandana which he was excited about. I'm not sure if they'll wear them...they thought the material was thin. I don't care if they only wear them at night. I just think they are cute! Maybe I'll finish them by October!

Monday, March 9, 2009

All tuckered out

Chris was so tired after busting his hiney this weekend he didn't even notice that the cats were using him as a bed on Sunday night. I probably could have turned out the lights and left him there. Poor guy!

Weekend work

It was a busy weekend at the Thomas house. It was the first nice sunny weekend in a while and we had it all planned out to get some things done around the house.
Even the chickens were excited about the nice weather. They happened to find the only dry dirt on the property right up against the house and promptly dug up my bush so they could dust. Poor things have been wet and muddy for days!!! Chris planted 7 cherry trees and 3 citrus trees. He also dug out a little trench to allow water to drain in the back of the house. We built a bon fire to burn off some old wood that was left out back. I mowed down all of the weeds too. We visited our brand new Home Depot to purchase the fencing we'll need to enclose the garden and re-fence the chicken coop. On Sunday we were feeling rather tired by the end of the day. We BBQ'ed a turkey and made fixings to go with it. It just sounded good. These types of weekends remind me of being a kid. We'd be outside all day with my dad while he worked on the property. We'd come inside and my Mom would have cooked a pot roast or baked beans for dinner. Then my dad would come in, shower, and we'd eat all the while completely tired from playing outside for 2 days. I would always sleep so soundly after weekends like that. The only thing making this not the greatest night's sleep was the alarm clock going off this morning, with it's new Daylight Savings time. That hour of lost sleep was tough to take!!! I'm sure we'll all be in bed early tonight. I hope you all had a great weekend enjoying the beautiful weather! I'll try to be better about posting the rest of the month. I've been rather distant from the computer. Call it Spring fever!