Monday, August 3, 2009

Get me outta here!

We're on the final approach to another school year's beginning. Can't say I'm sad, but I'm not entirely happy about it either. I do, however, long for the mornings when I can drop my little angels off at school and come home to clean a house that will stay tidy until about 3:30pm. Oh, and yes, I've given up on housework. This is kind of a warning to those of you that might randomly stop by. Please feel free, but don't be shocked by the shoes all over, the kitchen messy, strange pickling smells coming from somewhere, clothes thrown around, and a floor that needs to be vaccumed. Yes, they won. I'd rather do something else than constantly follow around the mess. It's a 24/7 job that I've grown tired of. I'd rather water the garden, picking something that has been lovingly grown from seed in the happy summer sunshine. Or maybe it will be a trip to the library, where my kids are now old enough to leave to their section of books so I can sneak across to the grown up section, all the while waiting to hear a loud yell, telling me my kids are once again too close to each other...not realizing that even though they are inseparable, they still each need their space as well. Oh, maybe it will be another trip to the lake, or to riding lessons, or music lessons, or swimming at Grandma's house, or baking, or or or or or . See? I need a mommy pedicure day. Summers are all about keeping them entertained, avoiding the heat, and not blowing my stack. I guess I'm ready for them to head back to our routine. I will miss the opportunity to sit around in jammies way to long, or thinking that showering is optional, or not having to stop what I'm doing to go to work at school. I do enjoy being able to just do our own thing. I don't, however, enjoy their boredom and bickering. Yeah, I think I'm ready for summer to wind down. One more camping trip, a couple of birthday parties, and the opportunity to watch my daughter fall in love with Tacoma. Yeah, she's got her momma in her. More on that soon!!!


Stephanie said...

A clean house would be nice.

Rick and Terry said...

Hey cousin.... thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Um I must confess once the kids grow up and leave the nest there is likely to still be times where a clean house is not the priority. Trust me, you will be okay with it when it happens to you too :)