Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Hearts Day!

Here is my surprise! Her name is Cat. She's an 8 year old Quarter Horse with a sweet personality. We're going to send her to school with my trainer in a couple of months. She needs a bit of a tune up as she's not been out much the last few months. The lady that had her babied her quite a bit.

Chris let me use some of our tax return on her and I got her Valentine's Day weekend so I'm calling her my Valentine's Day gift. I'd take her over jewelry or flowers any day.
Aww, she's nuzzling Amanda. I think I'm in love. Pretty girls! My heart is overflowing!


Rick and Terry said...

Looks like she has made herself part of the family already.

Are horses like dogs in that they select a master? if so, I'd watch out for that cute blonde getting horse love. Looks like she is cutting in on your Cat.

Grace and Aria said...

Cat is a beauty!! I'll have to stop by to check her out this week. Congrats! Oh, and I'll need that pic of Amanda and Cat for my calendar next year ;)