Saturday, March 6, 2010


I hope to have more pictures to post soon. We finally got a new camera that actually does what we want it to. I require a faster shutter speed and a lense that will allow me to get pictures of the kids playing sports. Chris wanted all of this other cra---stuff to play with. Needless to say he talked me into more money than I needed to spend. He always does that with electronics! Not much new to post. The cows ate my daffodils, I'm putting up electric fence this weekend, the shower still isn't done in our bathroom, the kids are getting geared up for ball this spring, and everything is starting to bloom! Now to just get some sunshine!!! After I learn how to use said camera I'll do some better updating! I think I'll go buy some new chicks this weekend. That's when it really feels like Spring to me. Happy weekend!


Rick and Terry said...

she (it is a she right?) looks warm and soft.

Patty T said...

Yes, she is a she. She still has some of her fuzzy coat.