Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funny story before the field trip post

I thought I got us lost on the way to the field trip. Not a great moment when you're 1 1/2 hours in the hills. I went a short cut through the back roads. How bad can the roads be? Um, they got really narrow, washboard dirt roads for about 15 or 20 miles, and I had 3 little girls in the back seat squealing, "YOU GOT US LOST!" I just kept going, hoping we'd get there sooner or later. I almost cried when we got to a sign that said only 5 more miles. Then we got there 20 minutes earlier than the people that went the paved way. Sissies...Just kidding! My Prius was COVERED in dust and probably needs an alignment, but what an adventure! We even went across a small wooden bridge over the Yuba River. Very cool! I think I'm going that way next year with Evan and his group. I might pretend I'm lost again. Just adds a little excitement to the mix. It also made the girls thankful when we got there. Hey, I wanted them to feel what it was like back in the old days with a wooden wagon and a hand drawn map, hoping you make it someday! Looking back it was funny. During the time, I was scared I got 3 kids lost on a small rural road that is prone to wash outs and didn't have a good spot to turn around! I think next year I'm taking the truck! On with the field trip posting!


Rick and Terry said...

Gotta love it when things work out! I don't think that your car is supposed to go off-road like that, but admire your spunk!

Grace and Aria said...

classic ;)