Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home pictures

Here is one of our outbuildings. I like to call it "Chris's S*#@t shack. Those of you that have seen our old garage know why. He isn't the neatest guy on the block. The garage at this place is MINE. The people left us all kinds of things like shelving, wiring for the chicken coop, hoses, sprinklers, planters, a clothesline...what else...stuff that we didn't mind them leaving!!!

Look! Once Chris's treadmill is in it's permanent resting place in our room I'll have it all cleaned out. My car even fits in here!!! We got a Prius after we sold our other house. Now that the kids are older we are always on the go and the truck guzzled too much gas. It is parked and waiting for our next camping trip or dump run. It's an ugly little car but gets 45 miles to the gallon. Shyeah!
This is the view from my kitchen window. There is a big dog run that Sophie won't ever stay in...even though Chris mentioned it. She wouldn't even go out to go potty in the morning for the first week until it was light out. She'd look at me and look outside as if to say, "Yeah, um there are "things" out there so forget it!"

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