Tuesday, September 30, 2008

no pictures

Well, I started back to work this week. It isn't a full time thing, just my job at school for a couple of hours a day. I originally planned on not going back this year, but we decided that every penny counts now. It's always an adjustment on my scheduling of errands and household stuff. It's been 2 days and the laundry is already piled up. I think these 2 moves in 2 months (once to my parents and the second one here) really did me in. For those of you that don't know, when we sold our house in August, we moved in with my parents until we could find something else. We needed cash in hand in this market in order to have someone consider our offer. So, it was load up the trailer, take it to my parent's house, and go get another. I did most of the first move by myself when Chris was at work. The second move he was able to help with. Thank goodness! The funny thing is I didn't realize how tired I was physically and mentally until we finally got to just stop moving for a moment. We are so incredibly happy at our new house that we were finally able to just stop and take a mental break...not to mention I no longer had to sleep on my daughter's mattress on the floor in spider hollow downstairs at my parent's house. Ahh, to sleep in my nice comfy KING sized mattress again! It's funny, the longer we're here the less I notice things that when we first saw the house we said, ah, that's gotta go! I could really care less about my wood paneling in the dining area. I embrace the crystal 70's bathroom lighting. I chuckle at our french fry heat lamps in the bathroom. I just don't care! We watch less tv and spend more time outside with our kids now. Chris and Evan go out front and play soccer on the front "field". Tonight we were trying to finish up some roofing on the chicken coop with Grandpa. He's been working on that so it can be water tight before it rains. It's these little things that keep us focusing on the important things...Being together. The kids caught the baby chicks while roosting so I could clip their wings tonight. If you would have told me 6 months ago that I would have 11 chickens and my kids wouldn't be afraid to hold them while I cut their feathers I'd have told you to go fly something. I think I'm still dreaming. Pinch me! Oh, btw, today when we were working on the coop, a hawk flew right in and tried to get a baby. That momma hen squawked and they all went running for the barn. It was amazing that it tried with 2 humans there making a bunch of noise. That momma was all puffed up and trying to protect her young. I was so proud of her!!! She is such a tough little momma. I ran to where the hawk was in the tree in the corner of the coop and had to shoo it away. What a bold hawk! Damn it! Now I've got that to worry about in the daytime! I'm stressing out for my babies! I guess I'm going to have to go get some shade screen and cover up the coop. It's a big area to cover but hopefully it will be a deterrent. Where was I? In these scary economic times ahead I hope everyone can find the simple things to create their own happiness with their families. It's kind of a scary time. I know we've adjusted what we do and how much we spend on things. It's really taught me what is important and what we've gotten spoiled with. I no longer splurge on lattes and lunches out. I make coffee at home and eat what's leftover in the fridge. I think we'll all be going back to coffee at a friend's house with great conversation over heading to the Starbucks and sitting in the hustle and bustle. Sounds kind of nice! If you're in the area stop by! You can check out my 70's throwback house. I'll warn you to wear your nice socks though. This baby has brand new wall to wall carpet in LIGHT tan. What was that woman thinking??? I now have a shoes off policy until we get some hardwood in here(Which will probably be a long way off!). Sorry! I can't post pictures until I have better connection rate. I have some from this weekend with the kids painting the coop and will have some of our new addition I picked up today. More about that later. I have to post some about all of the things the kids have been up to as well. Man I've gotten behind! I'll stop rambling now.


Elissa said...

wish i could stop over for some coffee... i would LOVE to see your 70s throwback house! vintage is IN, girl! we painted a lot of paneling here.... and got rid of a couple amber tinted chandeliers, so i hear ya on that!

Grace and Aria said...

It is the simple things that really matter. Many blessings in your new home!

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad that you're enjoying your new home...and time with your family. that's the best!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're all settling in and enjoying country life again. Good luck with your chickens. Mom Thomas