Thursday, November 6, 2008

girlie camo!

I've made everyone else a hat and not me. Probably because I don't like the hat head you get with a knit hat. And they can be itchy...then I saw this yarn. How could you pass up pink camo yarn? Amanda is jealous. I would have bought more but this was the last skein. I'm not the only one. Then I got a skein of wool to felt me a coffee band for my Starbucks cups, when I get them. I decided I needed these little projects right now as I've not been too successful in getting much done lately. I need a positive experience!

Guess what? Yesterday when my Mom and I swung by Starbucks after going to Beverly's for some Christmas projects for the kids the cute coffee guy said, Here Hon" when he handed me my drink. If you don't know what I'm talking about read previous post. I write that bday post and viola! I get called hon when he hands me my drink. No ma'am on the no ma'ams! I'd have kissed him if that was ok to do to a total stranger...well, maybe not. I'm sure his tip cup is more bountiful due to his use of alternative "ma'am" words.

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