Thursday, December 18, 2008


One nice thing about working at the kid's school is having the same schedule that they do. That means I get ALL of the vacations that they do too! After this past week I need it too! Talk about a bunch of wound up kids. We could have harnessed the energy and powered a small town! I don't have any pictures to post, just thoughts to ponder. One was what to do when I'm driving home from the gym at 6:30am when it's still dark and 29 degrees outside and a small light comes on in the dash. It's one I've never seen before...let me show you...(!). That was what it was...(!). What the...well, what does that mean? Is it really necessary for a car to have 25 different symbols on the dash to tell you when it's got it's panties in a wad? I like my truck. Low oil, change oil, check engine, etc. It just tells me in WORDS on the readout on the dash. There was no way I was pulling over to check what (!) means. Isn't an exclamation to come at the END OF A SENTENCE? Where is the rest of the warning? I know what the oil symbol is and the temp is. Those are universal. So, when I got home I checked out the owner's manual. Oh, poor baby. It means the tire pressure is low. Ok, if it's going to be that picky it needs to just talk to me, you know, in William Shatner's voice. Ma'am, your tire pressure is...low. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, you know? When it's warm outside the (!) goes away. Aww, it doesn't like being cold with low tire pressure...only warm. Maybe I should laminate a card with all of it's symbols on it for quick reference. Naa, that would be way too anal. Well, that was my moment to myself. Now it's off to do a project with the kids. The frustrating part of's really not a "vacation" since I become a source of entertainment for the next 2 weeks. At least I get to sit around and not shower if I want to...


Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as vacation when the kids are out of school!! (not to be picky,but the green writing is really hard to read!!) I have to get about 2 inches from the screen and squint!! Marcy

Patty T said...

Is this color better? Let me know. I might end up changing the red background color. Patty

Rick and Terry said...

I miss those dayz. Young kids, school vacations. We used to do our holiday baking and crafting -- it was so much fun.

oh, I'll post a neat candy craft on my blog later tonight for you to consider doing with the kids.

It is cheap and easy (just the way I like them)

Have a great vacation

Grace and Aria said...

HAAAA! You are funny... you and your cars :)

Lorna said...

The William Shatner comment made me laugh out loud! :)